• 独家高清首发稀缺资源-大漠资源(damozy.com)
  • 第一二集内容:King Sombra曾经统治小马国边缘的水晶王国,带来了无尽的苦难。后来他被塞拉斯迪亚公主和露娜公主联合击败,变成阴影,并被放逐。一千年后,King Sombra卷土重来,想要重新统治水晶王国。大公主希望暮光闪闪(twilight sparkle)一行去保护水晶王国,免受King Sombra的再度袭击。他们克服重重困难和阻挠,去保护水晶王国,并让那里再度恢复生机。第三季的制作团队基本保留了第二季的结构,劳伦浮士德依然退出。了解更多中文小马资讯可以关注:EquetriaCN新浪博客MLPFiM是什么?小马迷是什么?——参考第一季剧情简介
  • While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way.
  • 故事叙述一只叫暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle jijikb.com)的小马为了执行导师塞拉斯提娅公主(PrincessCelestia)给她的任务,与助手斯穗龙(Spike)一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的魔法的知识,其中她认识了苹果杰克(Applejack)、瑞瑞(Rarity)、小蝶(Fluttershy)、云宝黛西(RainbowDash)与碧琪(PinkiePie)五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶(E... 故事叙述一只叫暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)的小马为了执行导师塞拉斯提娅公主(PrincessCelestia)给她的任务,与助手斯穗龙(Spike)一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的魔法的知识,其中她认识了苹果杰克(Applejack)、瑞瑞(Rarity)、小蝶(Fluttershy)、云宝黛西(RainbowDash)与碧琪(PinkiePie)五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶(ElementsofHarmony)中,各扮演重要的关键元素。此后,暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)便与她认识的新朋友们开始了有趣的日常生活,在第四季时暮光闪闪(TwilightSparkle)和她的五个朋友在第四集以及之后开始写日记。
  • While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way.
  • Some time after the Mousekewitz's have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where they are promised that mice and cats live in peace. Unfortunately, the one making this claim is an oily con artist named Cat R. Waul who is intent on his own sinister plan. Unaware of this, the Mousekewitz's begin their journey west, while their true cat friend, Tiger, follows intent on following his girlfriend gone in the same direction.
  • 坎特拉高中这次将与死对头-水晶预备高校(Crystal Prep Academy)进行一场学校间的‘友谊竞赛’,但Sunset Shimmer与朋友们却发现人类世界的Twilight Sparkle竟是水晶预备高校的学生,过去熟悉的同伴,这一次成了竞争对手,而且她们发现,Twilight Sparkle身上似乎有个天大的秘密......
  • 故事将衔接TV版第三季结局紫悦(Twilight Sparkle)进化为天角兽(Alicorn)加冕成新公主之后的生活,此时水晶帝国的珍贵王冠被偷窃;为了寻回王冠,紫悦公主将接下重责大任,独自前往另一个平行世界;在那里,紫悦将发现平行世界中的穗龙(Spike)变成了一只狗,而自己则变成了有双手也能双腿站立的人类!身分将改为少女高中生,并重新相遇化身为人类版本的小马朋友们……
  • 當父親被診斷出患有癌症時,兄弟姐妹團聚商討,並解決了困擾家庭已久的舊問題。
  • Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy that led to qigou.cc the most famous and controversial court case in history.
  • 电影《赌城风云》是由大导演马丁·斯科塞斯与老拍档罗伯特·德尼罗的第八度合作。萨姆·“埃斯”·罗思坦(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)抱着“赌博是一桩需要认真对待的事业”这个信念经营这一家拉斯维加斯的赌场。这个信念使他的赌场生意兴隆,而也让他成为富四一方的大亨。但是自从他娶了妓女出身的金姬(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰)后,一切都发生了改变。金姬是个贪得无厌,嗜好酒和毒品的美丽女人,对前男友旧情不忘甚至给他送钱;黑社会老大派来保护萨姆的尼基(乔·佩西 Joe Pesci 饰)总是触犯法律,被警方禁止踏足赌场,还不量力要当老板;萨姆开除了不负责任的雇员却得罪了当地的官员;更糟糕的是,萨姆和昔日的合作伙伴间的摩擦加剧。所有的一切,都使萨姆心神不宁……
  • Love at First Stream follows the stories of a streamer, a student, a breadwinner, and a heartthrob as they explore love and friendships online to escape their realities offline.
  • When a conman discovers his son is abducted, he is forced to drive the streets of Sydney completing an escalating series of trials to appease the kidnapper, and atone for his career of deception.